Training and Information Event – Saturday 20th February 2016
Looking at the current world scene there appears to be no greater time for the Christian church to be equipped to understand, love, relate with and share the Gospel confidently with our Muslim neighbour.If you are in any way interested or slightly curious about any of this the above event is not to be missed. Some of the leading experts in the field are coming to the province and we’d love to see you there if you can come.
In the evening then we’ll have a something a little different– a buffet meal followed by Amir, myself and other short term workers sharing about ministry life in London.
It would be great to see you at either or both events so please follow the following link to find out more detailed information and book online.If you have a flyer you can also book by this method too. Closing date for all bookings is 6th February.
Hope to see you there and our prayer news will follow soon. Thanks as always for your encouragement, support and prayers.
Amir, Clare & Jalal.