Bill & Julie Edler

Representing: OMS, Haiti

Bill and Julie serve in Haiti with OMS.  Bill, originally from Canada, served with OMS in Spain in 2010. In the same year Julie, from Bangor, served in Haiti. In January of that year they met at OMS cross cultural training and were married in 2011. 

In the years after they were married, they felt God calling them to missions and more specifically, Haiti.  Bill teaches Biblical Studies and Systematic Theology at Emmaus Biblical Seminary.  The EBS mission statement is to develop Christ like leaders for the transformation of Haiti.  

Julie works as a physiotherapist in Bethesda Medical Centre where she has opportunities to not only help people physically but also to reach them with the Gospel.  Over the past 6 months Julie has been working with a local Haitian physiotherapy technician with goal of providing long term physiotherapy services at Bethesda. 

They have two sons, Sam aged 4 and Joel aged 2



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