Churches in Hard Places NI Workshop
Don’t miss out on this excellent workshop with 20Schemes director Mez McConnell.
In August, Mez McConnell from 20schemes came to Northern Ireland to share about their work at the Bangor Worldwide Missions Convention. His two nights at the convention, along with a church leaders breakfast in Bangor and a seminar in Presbyterian Church House created a lot of interest and requests for Mez to come back and share in more detail.
Mez has agreed to come back and hold a ‘Church in Hard Places’ Workshop in partnership with Hamilton Road Baptist on Saturday 6th Feb 2016, delivering multiple seminars that will be helpful and insightful.
More details about the event and the pre–workshop event on Friday 5th will become available shortly, but in the meantime consider putting this date in your diary, and registering for more information as it becomes available at
Please feel at liberty to share this widely with those who you feel would benefit.