Dr Conrad Mbewe

Representing: Pastor, Kabwata Baptist Church, Lusaka Zambia

Dr Conrad Mbewe has a bachelor’s degree in Mining Engineering and a PhD in Missions. He worked in the Zambian copper mines before becoming the first pastor of Kabwata Baptist Church in Lusaka, Zambia, in 1987. 

KBC is presently overseeing the establishment of about twenty new churches in Zambia and other African countries. He also maintains a full itinerant preaching ministry in different countries around the world. 

He is the editor of Reformation Zambia magazine. He has written thirty booklets in his own country and has three books on the international market—Maintaining Sexual Purity, Foundations for the Flock, and Insights from the Lives of Olive Doke and Paul Kasonga for Pioneer Church Planting and Missions Today.

He is the principal of the Lusaka Ministerial College and the chancellor of the African Christian University in Zambia. He is married to Felistas, and they have been wonderfully blessed with six adult children.



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