July 2023 Prayer Update
Kostya and Iryna Bakanov are Ukrainian nationals serving in Croatia's capital city of Zagreb since 2016. They have served in Ukraine for many years. Kostya and Iryna are part of the ECMIUSA team of field workers in Europe. Kostya will take part in the Tuesday Evening Celebration (22 August) which focuses on Europe.
We look forward to welcoming Dai Hankey to Bangor. Dai is a church–planting pastor in the Welsh Valleys, where he lives with his wife, Michelle, and four children. He is founder of Red Community, a Christian charity that fights human trafficking in Wales. He is the author of The Hard Corps, A Man’s Greatest Challenge and The Eric Says... series. Dai is taking part in a number of events including the minister's lunch and Q&A on 23 August.
Join us this year for another jam-packed 20s30s gathering on Saturday 19 August. There are 2 signup options for this year - to attend the morning event only (9.30am - 1.30pm) or the all day event (includes morning event and lunch as well as afternoon sessions, dinner and an evening event). Please read through all the info on the booking page. This event will start in 1st Bangor Presbyterian Church.
Please pray for our speakers as they prepare their talks for the Convention. Some will have had no experience of the event and will need special inspiration as they decide what they should say. Pray in particular for Dr Chris Wright who has the responsibility of leading the morning Bible studies and a number of the "challenges" at the evening meetings. May the contributions from each of our speakers be used by God to move those who hear, to a greater commitment to the extension of His kingdom worldwide.
The committee has placed advertisements in newspapers and magazines, used social media and delivered thousands of programme leaflets to dozens of churches. Please pray that all this effort will be blessed by God and the fruit of it will be seen in larger numbers coming along in August. Pray especially for first time visitors and those in the younger age groups to put it in their calendars.
A number of the events in the programme, including those for children and young adults, require prior registration. Please pray that this will be noted and responded to, so that there will not be any disappointment at the time of the Convention. In addition, it is such an encouragement to those involved in preparing for the events to see from an early stage growing numbers of those planning to attend.