Lunchtime talk by Prof. David Sills
Bangor Worldwide is hosting a lunchtime talk by Prof. David Sills on Wednesday 18th October in Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church. David began his ministry as a Church Planter among the native peoples of Equador and is now Professor of Mission at the Southern Baptist Seminary USA.
Bangor Worldwide is hosting a lunchtime talk by Prof. David Sills on Wednesday 18th October in Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church. David began his ministry as a Church Planter among the native peoples of Equador and is now Professor of Mission at the Southern Baptist Seminary USA. He has also written a number of books on mission and is recognised as an authority in this area. The event will begin with a light lunch at 12.30 pm and the talk should commence around 1.00 pm. There will be an opportunity to ask questions before the close around 2.00 pm. Places are limited to two per agency and although the event is free it is necessary to register for catering purposes. If you would like to reserve a place you can do so by emailing either or by Friday 6th October.