One of our speakers at the Convention in 2014 was from Nepal and he told about the work among disabled folk in Kathmandu which God was using to build His church across the country. Please remember Bikash Adhikari and his fellow workers at this stressful time in the aftermath of the earthquake.
Launch Event on 27th May
The invitations have now been issued and responses are coming in. Please continue to pray that many will make the effort to attend which will help to distribute our literature out to churches etc. Pray for our speaker the Very Rev. Dr. Trevor Morrow as he prepares what he will say and also for those attending to the catering. Pray for inspiration as to what else we might do that day to make the Convention known to a wider audience.
Committee Meeting on 11th May
While preparations for the launch event will be a major item on the agenda, we will also be giving thought to the programme for the closing night of the Convention at the Waterfront Hall. Please pray that we will be open to the prompting of the Holy Spirit in this so that what is presented on that evening will be both uplifting and challenging for those who attend.