Pastor Umar Mulinde

Representing: Ordained Senior Pastor of Gospel Life Church Inter

Pastor Umar Mulinde a Father of seven biological children is a Christian convert from a muslim background, Acid attack survivor, human rights activist, Author, International Public Speaker and an Ordained Senior Pastor of Gospel Life Church International a mission driven Church based in Kampala – Uganda East Africa.

He is also involved into training and equipping Christian Leaders with practical strategic methods of transforming communities, Christian advocacy, development and care for the persecuted believers.

On 24/12/2011, he was attacked by muslim extremists in Uganda who poured acid on him seeking his death because of his conversion to Christianity from Islam and his progressive Gospel preaching that has changed many Muslims. 

When acid is thrown on a person, the result is horrifying; it causes the skin tissue to melt, often exposing the bones below the flesh, sometimes even dissolving the bone. 

Nitric, hydrochloric, or sulfuric acids all have a catastrophic effect on human flesh. 

An acid attack on your body would dramatically change your life. 

Acid burnt him to near death had God not helped.

Despite his sufferings, he knows from the Bible according to Genesis 50:20 that God can take a disadvantage, and turn it into an advantage.

Paul writes in Philippians that he was imprisoned for the furtherance of the gospel, and as a result, many of the brethren in the Lord were encouraged by Paul’s bonds to speak and preach the word without fear – (Philippians – 1:12–14)

In a very like manner, Pastor Umar Mulinde carry a very compelling and very sobering message, with an aim to: “motivate Christians to not be so timid in their faith; but to be courageous preach boldly the Truth; and to stand up and be the light of world regardless of the challenges brought by political correctness and humanism ideology.”



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