WORLDWIDE GETS CLOSERThe 83rd Bangor Worldwide is fast approaching and preparations are going up a gear for the Convention to take place next month. Here’s the latest news and prayer requests. ADOPT A CHILDIn the latest of videos from mission agencies supported by Bangor Worldwide, watch this short clip from Adopt a child featuring the delivery of food parcels in Southern Albania. They are grateful for all your support to help them bless the villagers they work amongst as they share the gospel. Happy Birthday George VerwerFounder of Operation Mobilisation, George Verwer, celebrated his 81st Birthday on 3rd July. He said, "There's no retirement in the work of the Lord!" and he's absolutely correct. Pray for George as he visits Portrush Baptist Church on Sunday 18th August to share at the morning and evening services. ANDREW KWAPONGSpeaking at Tuesday night in Bangor will be Andrew Kwapong, a Missionary with London City Mission since 2007. Part of his role is working with Church Plants on housing estates in Tottenham. He recently moved to North Kensington supporting local churches in their response to the Grenfell tragedy. GORDON STEWARTGordon is the director of AsiaLink having originally joined the team 16 years ago. He’s married to Noeleen and they have three children Bethany, Daniel and Keren. Gordon will speak on Wednesday night in Bangor. POINTS FOR PRAYERPEOPLEPlease pray for the leader of the Worldwide Monday morning Prayer Meeting, Eric Lindsay. He suffered a minor stroke in mid-June and has not been able to be present with us for the last couple of weeks. Eric is greatly missed so please pray that he will make a full recovery and be able to be back with us as soon as his health permits. Continue to pray for Winnie Spence whose husband Colin was a keen member of our committee until he sadly passed away earlier this year. SPEAKERSOur speakers for this year’s Convention will be getting into their preparation for the various meetings in which they will be involved. Pray particularly for those coming for the first time and who will not be familiar with the event format. Pray also for Don Carson who has the heavy responsibility of bringing God’s Word each morning and at several of the evening meetings. VOLUNTEERSGive thanks for the many volunteers who are delivering programmes to all the churches in the wider North Down and Ards area at this time. Over 100 churches are visited so please pray that the programmes are well received and that they will not be left on a shelf gathering dust ! COMMITTEEAs our followers will know, the committee has lost several members of late for a variety of reasons, so we are delighted to announce that the Rev. David Johnston has agreed to join our ranks to help fill the gaps. Please join with us in giving thanks to God for David’s willingness to commit himself to Worldwide. He retires from Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church Bangor in the Autumn of this year and will become an active member of the committee at that time. We know that David will be able to make a significant contribution to our work and look forward to having him on board. |