Suzanne Potter

Representing: Latin Link

Suzanne Potter is International Team Leader of Latin Link, an interdenominational agency focusing on mission to, within, and from Latin America, and seeking to engage with Latin Americans anywhere in the world. She’s been based in Guatemala for nearly 15 years in a variety of roles (Short Term Missions Coordinator, prison chaplain, youth worker, Team leader, Mission Mobiliser), as well as serving in international leadership for 12 years. She had previously lived in Bolivia and Argentina. She started this year as ITL of Latin Link with a particular vision to adapt and restructure for the realities of mission in a post-colonial, post-covid world.

Originally from Devon, Suzanne felt called to missions in her teens. She has a BA in Latin American Studies, a Diploma in Christian Youth Ministry and a MA in Contemporary Missiology. She is a daughter, sister, aunt, godmother, and friend who loves creativity and open water swimming, whatever the weather.


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