Bishop Nazir–Ali
President, Oxford Centre for Training, Research,Bishop Michael NazirAli was the 106th Bishop of Rochester, for 15 years, until 1 September 2009. He is originally from Asia and was the first nonwhite Diocesan Bishop in the Church of England.He was appointed in 1994. Before that he was the General Secretary of CMS from 19891994 and prior to holding...
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Bill McAllister
Congo Intitiative, UK CEODr Bill McAllister, the eldest son of Bob and Alma McAllister, was born in the Belgian Congo in 1952 and left when he was 18. He did his undergraduate studies in Theology and Social Anthropology at the Queens University of Belfast and earned a doctoral degree at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland....
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Bob Fu
China Aid AssociationBob (Xiqiu) Fu was born and raised in mainland China and studentleader during the Tiananmen Square demonstrating for freedom and democracy in 1989. Fu was also a house church leader in Beijing until he and his wife, Heidi, were imprisoned for illegal evangelism in 1996.Bob and Heidi fled to the Unit...
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Dr Conrad Mbewe
Pastor, Kabwata Baptist Church, Lusaka ZambiaDr Conrad Mbewe has a bachelors degree in Mining Engineering and a PhD in Missions. He worked in the Zambian copper mines before becoming the first pastor of Kabwata Baptist Church in Lusaka, Zambia, in 1987.KBC is presently overseeing the establishment of about twenty new churches in Zambia and oth...
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Andy Prime
20schemesAndy Prime was brought up in a Christian family in which the gospel was taught and modelled faithfully. Up until the age of 14 he would have called myself a Christian, however there was a disconnect between his behaviour at home and at school. Influenced by a desire for acceptance and popularity he ...
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David Montgomery
Director, IFES IrelandDavid Monty Montgomery is a Presbyterian minister, and Director of IFESIreland; the Christian Unions, which aims to inspire and equip students to follow Jesus in the Universities of Ireland. He has taught for IFES groups internationally; most recently in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Mexico and Belarus....
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George Verwer
Operation MobilisationGeorge is Founder and former International Director of Operation Mobilisation, which a ministry of evangelism, discipleship training and church planting.He led OM for over 40 years before stepping down in August 2003 and continues to have a burning concern for vital, propagating and revolutionary Ch...
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Pastor Tandin
Release InternationalPastor Tandin has worked with the persecuted church and served as a pastor of a house church in Bhutan. He was arrested, sentenced and imprisoned in 2014. He earned his Master of Divinity from the International Graduate School of Leadership in 2008 and is currently pursuing his Doctorate at Asia Pac...
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Lynne Glass
Lynne is from Garvagh and has been working with AIM amongst islanders since 1987 first of all on the islands and then since 2004 in a major city in the south of France where there are more than 80,000 island immigrants.She is involved in Bible translation into one of the island languages and helps ...
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Max Gove
Mission Aviation FellowshipMax and his wife, Susan, joined Mission Aviation Fellowship in October, 1971. They worked for twelve years in Ethiopia and Kenya, where Max was a pilot. Since then, he has held various senior roles in MAF based from the UK.Passionate about reaching the most vulnerable and remote peoples of the world...
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Eddie Arthur
Wycliffe Bible Translators, seconded to Global CoEddie has worked with Wycliffe Bible Translators for over thirty years. He and his wife were part of a translation team in Ivory Coast; since when Eddie has been involved in a number of leadership and training roles in Africa and the UK.Currently, he is seconded to Global Connections; the UK network...
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Will Niven
Illyrian Gospel TrustWill Niven has been serving God in Albania for the last 17 years. He is responsible for two churches, in Fier and Patos in south west Albania, and is seeking to bring them to maturity and independence.The churches desire to see more church plants in the local area and are seeking to plant new church...
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Paul & Lesley McKnight
New Tribes MissionPaul Lesley have been serving with New Tribes Mission in Papua New Guinea since 2003. Paul teaches at the NTM mission school which also educates students from other evangelical mission organisations. Lesley works as a physiotherapist in the NTM medical clinic. They have three children, Callum (10),...
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Neil Kennedy
PCI, MalawiNeil is an academic paediatrician who works in Malawi to care for ill children and teach others to do so too.He and wife Sara are supported by the Presbyterian Church in Ireland....
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Bob McAllister
Bob and Alma McAllister have served the Lord in a long missionary career spanning the period of colonial Belgian Congo through the tumultuous upheavals of independence and the major rebellion of 1964 in which their mission lost 13 missionaries. The Christian church was a target for the communist ins...
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In a day of conflict, terrorism, and mass refugee movements how can you bring Gods word and the message of the Gospel into the most hostile and inaccessible places on the planet?Today ministries are harnessing the latest technological innovations and emerging trends to connect the least reached in ...
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